Monday, May 9 between 12p.m. and 2p.m., AVC students, faculty, and classified staff will be joining hands in a peaceful protest against the current class cuts. At this time, students, classified staff and faculty from all divisions will be walking out from their classes and rallying together outside the administration building.
Dr. Susan Lowry, President of Faculty Union, could not be more adamant about the importance of Monday’s demonstration.
“We live in a valley that finds the college and students invisible… if enough of us are out, we will be visible at least briefly,” she said. She also mentioned how the budget cuts have affected her personally and caused divisiveness among her colleagues.
“I think it’s very important that we show solidarity.”
The Student Union and the Classified Union will also be presented at this protest and Enrique Camacho, ASO President, is determined for this to be peaceful and go without any problems. In a Facebook mass message, Camacho outlines a set of rules that ALL protesters are required to abide by.
"ASO, the faculty and classified unions, as well as all participants of this non-violent event agree and will follow the following Points of Unity:
1. We will conduct ourselves peacefully and nonviolently, with respect for all people we encounter.
2. We will make decisions collectively.
3. We will not destroy any property of the College
4. We will not bring alcohol or nonprescription drugs.
5. We will not bring anything that can be construed as a weapon (think airport security).
6. We will accept responsibility for our nonviolent actions, and we will not lie nor use depiction to escape the consequences of our actions.
7. We will not harm anyone, and we will not retaliate in reaction to violence."
Everyone is welcome to come to this event as long as you and your guests behave in this event.”
-By Courtney Unander